2 Millionth Young Eagle Solos

2 Millionth Young Eagle Solos

Many congratulations to EAA’s 2 millionth Young Eagle, Jodie Gawthrop, EAA 1108302, who completed her first solo on March 9, less than a year after her flight with former Young Eagles Chairman Harrison Ford.

“Soloing was an empowering experience and being in complete control of the aircraft was unlike anything I had ever felt before,” Jodie said. “It featured an unforgettable mix of both thrill and responsibility.”

After participating in the Civil Air Patrol’s orientation program in 2013, Jodie fell in love with aviation and has made it her mission to take to the sky; she’s even considering pursuing a military career.

She credited this milestone accomplishment to EAA; her CFI Dave Hooper, EAA 439937; and the general aviation community at large.

“Their unwavering support has motivated me to study hard on the ground, aim for excellence in the air, and strive to become a better person overall,” she said.

Congratulations again, Jodie, and blue skies as you continue to pursue your aviation dreams. We at EAA can’t wait to see where your future takes you!

Have you reached a milestone recently? Passed a checkride, given your first or hundredth Young Eagle flight, flown your homebuilt for the first time? Tell us about it at editorial@eaa.org!

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