Michelle Abruzzese — First Flight Lesson Milestone

Congratulations to Michelle Abruzzese, EAA 1280037, who recently completed her first flight lesson after a memorable Young Eagles flight inspired her to pursue a career as a pilot.

Michelle spent that first flight trying to count bodies of water including swimming pools, lakes, and ponds. She also spotted some wildlife she did not expect in New England.

“[The water was] gorgeous from the sky, so many different shades of blue and green,” Michelle said. “In the bay that we flew over, I even saw some seals!”

Michelle, who is 14 years old, said she decided she wanted to become a corporate jet pilot after her Young Eagles pilot told her during their flight about his experiences as a jet pilot going to different countries.

“All I could think about for the rest of that day was how many countries I will go to,” she said.

Michelle is currently working toward her private pilot certificate at Stick’N Rudder Flying School in Massachusetts. She said seeing the shadow of the airplane she flew in made her realize she was really up in the air.

“My favorite part was watching the shadow of the plane as we flew,” Michelle said. “It brought a sense of reality to me, kind of like, ‘Whoa, that’s me. I’m really in that plane, flying.’”

Have you reached a milestone recently? Passed a checkride, given your first or hundredth Young Eagle flight, flown your homebuilt for the first time? Tell us about it at editorial@eaa.org.

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Ti, EAA 1257220, is an assistant editor at EAA who enjoys learning more about various types of aircraft. Outside of aviation, he can often be found watching, writing, and podcasting about the NBA. E-mail Ti at twindisch@eaa.org.