Give Flight Milestone

Give Flight Milestone

After four and a half years of dedicated work, the Vans RV-12 built by the students from H.C. Wilcox Technical High School in Meriden, Connecticut, and EAA Chapter 27 members finally lifted off the ground on May 14.

The RV-12 build was part of EAA’s Give Flight Program, a project launched in 2015 with the goal of assisting five chapters to launch their build project and to help them to form a flying club around the build.

Chapter 27 and four other chapters were selected to receive sets of Give Flight wings to be built by volunteers and attendees at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2015.

All AirVenture visitors were encouraged to participate in the project by pulling a rivet and signing the wing — a fun way to get hands-on experience while learning about aircraft building. The wings served as a starting point for each chapter, all made possible by generous donations from Sonex Aircraft LLC, Van’s Aircraft, and Zenith Aircraft Company.

Once the wings were completed, it was up to each chapter to raise the funds to complete the rest of the build. While Chapter 27 has been hard at work completing the RV-12, other chapters have either completed or have also been hard at work on the completion of a Sonex Waiex, Zenith CH 750 Cruzer, and Zenith 650.

EAA Chapter 27 President Mark Scott said the first flight in the RV-12 was great.

“The visibility is spectacular and it is very responsive on the controls,” Mark said. “Think of it as a very slow F-16. The engine is very smooth. When I turned on my headset noise-canceling system, the plane sounded like it was electric.”

Mark said his favorite part of the build was getting to see new builders gain experience.

“The kids built 90 to 95 percent of the plane with an adult watching,” Mark said. “It’s a lot of fun; you see them learn a great deal. You see them learn to be thorough, you see them learn how to use tools, and you watch these kids get some confidence in their building skills. What was really cool was that we had three or five chapter members that had never built anything, so they got to build with the kids, too.”

Watch Mark fly the RV-12 for the first time here.

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Christina, EAA 1299943, is EAA’s multimedia journalist. She is a passionate aviation enthusiast, bookworm, and photography-obsessed nature nut. Email Christina at