EAA Chapter 931 Member Flies With Wisconsin Air National Guard

EAA Chapter 931 Member Flies With Wisconsin Air National Guard

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Heidi Gehle, a valued member of our EAA Chapter 931, for her extraordinary achievement! On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, Volk Field Air National Guard Base had the distinct honor of hosting a special event tailored for Wisconsin’s educators. Among a select group of only 57 distinguished educators, Heidi was nominated for an impressive opportunity: an Educator Flight with the Wisconsin Air National Guard Recruiting.

This exceptional experience granted participants the privilege of embarking on a flight aboard the renowned 128th Air Refueling Wing KC-135 Stratotanker, offering a firsthand view of the intricate operations involved in aerial refueling. Additionally, participants had the privilege of witnessing multiple refueling operations with the impressive 115th Fighter Wing F-35 Lightning II fighters, adding an extra layer of awe-inspiring spectacle to the occasion.

For Heidi, this transcendent journey went beyond mere excitement; it emerged as an indelible chapter in the tapestry of her life’s experiences. As she reflects on the flight, her sentiments are imbued with deep gratitude for the opportunity bestowed upon her, recognizing it as one of the most exhilarating and unforgettable moments she has ever encountered.

We extend our sincerest gratitude to the Wisconsin Air National Guard for their unparalleled generosity in offering Wisconsin’s educators, including Heidi, the invaluable opportunity to partake in this firsthand experience. By extending invitations to educators to witness their operations firsthand, the Wisconsin Air National Guard not only provides a glimpse into their world but also empowers these educators to serve as ambassadors, inspiring and enlightening future generations about the noble endeavors of the Air National Guard.

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