Barrie Airshow — Celebrating RCAF 100th Anniversary

Barrie Airshow — Celebrating RCAF 100th Anniversary

By Ian Brown, EAA 657159, EAA Canadian Council member

You might have seen me on TV the weekend of Father’s Day! I was interviewed very briefly for a CTV Barrie news item about the air show. I was sitting with my daughter and grandson, but I would not be surprised if you missed the three-second interview.

We were there to witness the very well-organized day with lots of military presence, food choices, army, sea, and air cadet booths, and much more. The air show itself lasted about two and a half hours without a break in the action. As you might guess the Snowbirds finished off the show with a marvelous demonstration of excellent aviation skills. The winds were a bit too gusty for the drop by the Skyhawks parachute team who were supposed to start the show with their iconic large Canadian flag, but the rest of the show continued as planned. As well as the Snowbirds and the CF-18 demonstration team, there were several civilian performers. You can read much more about the performers by clicking on this link to the air show.

Since Michael’s article and Ken Mist’s work included some superb shots of the Snowbirds, I decided not to embarrass myself! There were lots of seagulls surrounding the people seated for the air show. They were asked not to feed the birds, but the birds were still hopeful and hanging around as you can see in this shot.

Chinook and gull (having a race?)

I included this next shot just to show you how much fun it was spending time on a grassy bank watching an air show. It turns out that not being under a tree is good for visibility, but not so good for sunburn. However, it is a better shot of the Chinook.

Good idea of the crowd and view.

This last picture is (I think) the Father’s Day heart left by the Snowbirds, but it really belongs to all the volunteers who put so much time and effort into making this a great day for all the fathers who attended and everyone else, too.

Love to all on Father’s Day.

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