December 29, 2016 – Congratulations to 16-year-old Declan Steinke, EAA 1112757, who soloed November 15 in the RV-12 Falcon 1 he helped build. Declan received his first Young Eagles flight two years ago with Chapter 414 of Lake County, Illinois, and his mother said that flight set the path for his future. He participated in the RV-12 build though the STEM club at his high school, which is sponsored by Eagles Nest Projects. In October, Declan also became the youngest Rotax maintenance mechanic in the country after completing a certification course at Leading Edge Airfoils in Burlington, Wisconsin. Now, Declan has passed his written and is waiting to turn 17 so he can pass his checkride and start flying other Young Eagles. Congratulations again, Declan, on these numerous accomplishments, and good luck as you continue to pursue your aviation passions!