Rex Underwood – Private Pilot Milestone

Rex Underwood – Private Pilot Milestone

Congratulations to Timothy “Rex” Underwood, EAA 1196176, who passed his private pilot checkride on April 28 after working at his local airport and flight school to earn his hours.

Graeme Smith, EAA Lifetime 1047360, has flown dozens of Young Eagles since he began giving the flights in 2011. Not all of them end up becoming pilots just two years after their flight, but Rex did.

Rex he said he had thought about wanting to become a pilot before taking his Young Eagles flight on March 22, 2016, and his time in the air with Graeme confirmed that suspicion.

Rex’s school emphasizes individualized learning for students, which for him meant his coursework would be largely based around his flight training. As he studied, Graeme said Rex also worked at the airport to earn more flying time.

“After his flight he developed a learning curriculum for himself which the school would monitor,” Graeme said. “He had me come to the school and give a class about flying for his peers so they would understand what he was working on. For two years now he has carried on, self-studying, interning at the flight school for lessons and manning the desk.”

Rex received his flight training from CFI Adam Ginn at Newport Aviation, which is based at Newport State Airport (KUUU). He soloed in 2017.

Have you reached a milestone recently? Passed a checkride, given your first or hundredth Young Eagle flight, flown your homebuilt for the first time? Tell us about it at

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Ti, EAA 1257220, is an assistant editor at EAA who enjoys learning more about various types of aircraft. Outside of aviation, he can often be found watching, writing, and podcasting about the NBA. E-mail Ti at