The Cricri Team, a group of three French pilots, homebuilders, and Airbus employees, features a Colomban Cri-Cri that performs air show routines after taking off from a moving vehicle. The team made its American debut at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018. Lionel Adroit, EAA 1286903, the builder and pilot of the Cri-Cri, shared this video from the team that captured the fun and excitement of its trip to Oshkosh.
The tiny, twin-engine Cri-Cri homebuilt gets its name from designer Michel Colomban’s daughter’s nickname. The original plans call for a 12-foot, 10-inch length and a 16-foot, 1-inch wingspan. The Cri-Cri was shipped from Toulouse, France, to Oshkosh via both road and sea transport.