On the morning of Sunday, October 14, Greg Armbruster, EAA 1057161, was able to watch his RV-6 take to the sky for the first time, piloted by Don Enea, EAA 781986. Later that afternoon, Greg Gyllstrom, EAA 194003, with assistance from Brian King, EAA 378104, using the additional pilot program, was able to conduct the first flight on his RV-12.

Both aircraft had flawless first flights, which ended with a squeak (or two) of the mains, and plenty of smiling faces. Both Gregs wanted to give a special thanks to Tim Connor, EAA 220128, and Dave Rigotti, EAA 1017245, the Chapter 5 technical counselors. Tim conducted multiple intermediate visits to Greg’s RV-6 and Dave Rigotti conducted an initial and intermediate visit to Greg’s RV-12.
Congratulations to both Gregs for their first flights and to Chapter 5 for creating such a great local resource for the homebuilding community.