By Robb Templeton, EAA 605533
Ben Templeton turned 16 on March 29, 2019. He started flying in a car seat and had a headset at age 3 — and was able to solo on his 16th birthday.
This accomplishment has been a lifelong goal and the weather could not have been more perfect. Ben’s traditional flight school teaches in a Cessna 172, which he soloed before school. In the afternoon, he soloed what he calls a real airplane, a 1947 Piper J-3 Cub.
Ben has more tailwheel experience than he does tricycle gear. His logbook is to be envied by almost any pilot; even at his young age Ben has been introduced to aircraft such as Van’s RV-6, Pitts S-2, J-3 Cub, Lockwood AirCam, PT-17 Stearman, PT-26, BT-13, and the coveted P-51 Mustang.

Ben’s passion for aviation goes beyond full-scale aircraft as he is also an avid RC pilot. He is an instructor for the Triple Tree Aerodrome Aviation Centered Education Program, which introduces kids to aviation. This program has been instrumental in his development of full-scale and RC aircraft. Ben has recently been invited to the International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC) Championships in Muncie, Indiana, later this summer.
To accomplish so much at such a young age requires a lot of help. While Ben has worked the last several summers at The Triple Tree Aerodrome (SC00) to earn money for flying lessons and RC aircraft, it’s never enough. The generous people at Triple Tree have been very gracious and have contributed to his success in aviation.
Ben is also applying for the AOPA Foundation Scholarship, which helps exceptional high school students achieve their goals in flight training. To further his passion for flying, Ben would like to attend one of the U.S. military service academies. He is currently in the Junior ROTC program at J.L. Mann High School in Greenville, South Carolina.
This is a very driven young man when it comes to aviation, and I am sure he will achieve his goal of one day becoming a military or commercial pilot, if not both!
Have you reached a milestone recently? Passed a checkride, given your first or hundredth Young Eagle flight, flown your homebuilt for the first time? Tell us about it at