By Charlie Becker, EAA Director of Chapters and Homebuilding, and Mike Hertz, Supervisor Facilities
Thanks to Chuck Burtch, EAA 10213, from Phoenix, New York, for suggesting this hint.

Like a solid workbench, a sturdy step stool is extremely useful around aircraft. For 20-plus years at least, EAA staff and volunteers have been using these robust step stools around our hangars when working on airplanes. These are very handy step stools since you can stand on them when working on a wing or checking your fuel, or sit on them when working on the engine. They are robust enough that you don’t have to worry about them toppling over when you stand on them. We took the original design and tweaked it a little to make it easier to build, better for storage, and lighter for easier movement around a hangar or workshop. Plus, if you make two, they nest when you stack them.

Tools and Materials: The base material is half-inch plywood. Select a quality grade with a good finish since you are going to be sitting on this stool and you’ll have it a long time. A nail gun with 1-inch nails is extremely useful for nailing this project together.

A nail gun isn’t mandatory but it will speed up assembly.

If you plan to use this outside, add some varnish to protect the wood.