By Vic Riffel, EAA Lifetime 537348
Warbird Squadron 30, based at Lloyd Stearman Field (1K1), had the opportunity to host Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber and crew while it is en route to participate in the 75th anniversary of D-Day with the Daks Over Normandy event. We had a cookout for the crew and squadron members and had a good turnout despite the ongoing thunderstorms and rain showers. Two of our members, Hector Camacho, EAA 11176, and Nick Camacho, EAA 796483, are part of Betsy’s crew and will be going on the trip. The event will take place with 30 or more DC-3s and C-47s that will depart from Duxford Airfield in the United Kingdom, fly across the English Channel, and drop paratroopers just as they did 75 years ago on D-Day. For more information about the airplane, see the Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber website.