By Jim Walker, EAA 1002625
Visitors were amazed at the amount of stuff we could shoehorn into the Cessna 177 Cardinal or the GlaStar, next door. Aero camping can be very comfortable.
Quick-erect tents, aluminum tables, and propane equipment provide easy-living adventures.
The sun shade has optional fabric walls that create a cozy interior. Lounge chairs are mandatory.
It was a delight to have visitors sit in our plane, some for the first time. Big smiles.

For those who wanted a bit more information we demonstrated aileron and stabilator motion. Who knew?
Some were keen to fly over Niagara Falls in a light aircraft for the first time, and others expressed an interest in joining our EAA chapter-in-the-making at Brampton.
Lots of business cards with contact information got shared.
Close by, the Great War Flying Museum (GWFM) based at Brampton Airport (CNC3) was flying its superb aircraft.

At Brampton we can get within 150 feet of Runway 08 when it’s active, and the taxiway is even closer — this makes for perfect viewing conditions.
Former Air Canada technicians keep the museum’s aircraft in top condition.