The 2018 EAA One Week Wonder, an RV-12iS built in seven days at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018, will be taking a tour across the West Coast and central United States, and might be visiting an EAA chapter near you!
The tour kicks off on September 7 in Portland, Oregon, and will conclude on September 19 back at EAA headquarters in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The flight plan has the aircraft following the West Coast southbound toward the San Francisco Bay Area and on to Los Angeles. The tour will then head eastbound over to Phoenix, then northeast across New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Missouri.

During the tour, EAA staffers will be dropping in to visit 13 EAA chapters in 11 cities. The hosting chapters have a wide variety of activities planned, ranging from monthly chapter gatherings, to fly-ins, and even a youth build RV-12 project. All EAA members along the route of flight are encouraged to visit their local chapter and check out the aircraft, which is a great representation of the homebuilt aircraft movement.
If you have ever wondered what it is like to fly a homebuilt light-sport aircraft across the country, you can also follow along with the tour via a video blog that will be done by the EAA staffers piloting the One Week Wonder. Videos will be posted every couple of days here on EAA’s blog, and shared via EAA’s social media channels.
Visit to learn about the aircraft, see the build process, and follow along with the One Week Wonder 2019 EAA Chapter Tour!