By Mike Baer, EAA 9027500
As president of EAA Chapter 579, I wanted to pass along some great news that we are very proud of: Our first Ray Aviation Scholarship recipient not only is one of our chapter’s newest minted pilots, but on Sunday he also became our youngest Young Eagles pilot!

Kyle Johnson, EAA 1307994, was accepted into the Ray Aviation Scholarship program in May and passed his private pilot checkride in August. Adding to his aviation milestones, Kyle recently completed his first Young Eagles flight as pilot in command, flying a Remos G3 Mirage. The entire chapter is proud of Kyle’s accomplishments and grateful to have another Young Eagles pilot in our ranks.
Have you reached a milestone recently? Passed a checkride, given your first or hundredth Young Eagles flight, flown your homebuilt for the first time? Tell us about it at