By Bill Cowgill, EAA Lifetime 194801 and EAA Chapter 1267 President
Airmarking is painting the name of the airport on a ramp or taxiway, and may also include painting a compass rose on a ramp to “swing a compass.”

EAA Chapter 1267, based in Granby, Colorado, joined with the Colorado chapter of the 99s to airmark the Granby airport, KGNB, also known as Emily Warner Field. The project consisted of painting the airport name, and laying out and painting an original 80 foot compass rose.

With chapter members of both organizations participating, chalk lines and taping began Friday, July 31, and painting was completed on Saturday, August 1. The finished products have been admired by both local neighbors and pilots, as well as transient pilots stopping by KGNB. We are proud of the efforts of EAA Chapter 1267, and the expertise and support of the Colorado 99s. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this project a huge success!