By Raquel Lincoln, Treasurer, EAA Chapter 63, Board member, EAA Canada Council
Last month we celebrated Megan Lokstet’s award of a Ray Scholarship for the amount of $10,000. You may remember that Megan became a member of EAA Chapter 63 based at Lyncrest (CJL5) Airport, just outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba. She hasn’t wasted any time. – Ian Brown, Editor, Bits and Pieces.
On August 2, 2021, EAA Chapter 63’s Ray Scholar, Megan Lokstet, achieved every pilot’s coveted milestone, her first solo. Megan was well on her way to this accomplishment weeks ago, but smoky skies due to forest fires and record humidex resulted in a number of training flights cancelled. With her first solo under her belt, Megan is making great progress building her solo hours, while continuing with cross country training and studying for the Transport Canada Private Pilot written exam. Megan is training daily with her instructor, Nabeel, at Harv’s Air out of Steinbach South Airport (CKK7), 58 kilometers southeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Have you reached a milestone recently? Passed a checkride, given your first or hundredth Young Eagles flight, flown your homebuilt for the first time? Tell us about it at