By Rick Unruh, EAA 1392873
Saturday, September 18, was “Garage Tour Saturday” as more than 30 vintage British cars from the British Car Club of Manitoba and the Austin Healey Club of Manitoba showed up at Lyncrest Airport for a tour of the EAA Chapter 63 hangar.
EAA Chapter 63 member Rick Unruh, also the vice president of the British Car Club of Manitoba, thought it fitting to share this on the club’s annual garage tour as the Chapter 63 hangar is the garage he has been spending most of his time in over the past year. Rick has been one of the partners in the Emeraude project since December 2020 and wanted to show off the progress the group is making on the lovely little airplane. The beautiful white and blue Emeraude was star of the show!

The car club members were thrilled to see the hangar and to learn more about EAA and the type of projects its members are involved in!

Thanks to everyone who helped to make it a great day!