International Young Eagles Day: EAA Chapter 322, Johannesburg, South Africa

International Young Eagles Day: EAA Chapter 322, Johannesburg, South Africa

By Neil Bowden, EAA 565560, EAA Chapter 322 President

Chapter 322 had planned its annual convention fly-in for the weekend of June 9-11, which happened to coincide with International Young Eagles Day on June 10  — what a great opportunity to host a Young Eagles rally!

The event was held at Middelburg Airfield, a small airfield about 100 nautical miles east of Johannesburg. Facilities at the airfield are wonderful thanks to the hospitality of EAA member Richardt Lovett and the Middelburg Aero Club (MAC).

A total of 10 pilots flew 47 children in aircraft that included an Alouette helicopter, an RV-7, a Cessna 170, a Cessna Skylane, Jabirus, a Maule, and a Piper Cub, amongst others.

The children were given an all-round aviation experience that included a short lecture, an introduction to aero modelling, an RC flight experience, and then their Young Eagles ride.

All children went home with a signed certificate and a smile on their faces that will be hard to erase!

Another successful and safe event. Thanks to organizer Warren Lovell and all who participated in the rally!

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