By Michael Martin, EAA 1047599
As AirVenture 2023 ended, something different and special was noticed. Love was everywhere!
Not such a big surprise as the more than 677,000 visitors who came through the gates had the same common passion, the worship of aviation and all things to do with flying machines.
What was different this year was the pursuit of a Disney-like true love for those people who attended the event. Yes, it is normal to see couples walking hand-in-hand around the grounds or even sitting closely together to watch the air show. But it was so hot this year that sitting so close made for some individual discomfort, so something else was driving the immediacy of the visitors. Could it be romance?
It seems that finding that special co-pilot was a popular activity at AirVenture 2023.
Marry Me
While riding on a tram from the Warbirds area back to Boeing Plaza, I saw a young female wearing an oversized, black, heavy sweatshirt. It was over 90 degrees that day, so my initial thought was, she must be sweltering.
As we got closer to her, I saw that she was sitting on the grass chatting with a young man. So what? No big deal, right? That is what I thought too until I saw the large bold white letters on her black sweatshirt. The letters spelt out, “MARRY ME” — all capitals. I immediately laughed and wanted to retrieve my camera to snap a photo. I wondered what that shirt was all about. The tram drove past her before I could capture a picture.

The couple sharing the tram seat next to me said, “Did you see that shirt?” Yes, I responded, I did indeed. They had met her earlier in the day and asked her what it implied. They said that she was hunting for a husband. What? Yes, she spoke about how difficult it was for her to find someone with the same values and interests. So, her passion for airplanes brought her to AirVenture and the sweatshirt was created to make it clear that she was open to meeting potential prospects.
I mentioned a recent Hollywood film of the same name and wondered if it was just a crew shirt. They assured me that she was serious in her quest, had custom made her sweatshirt, and came to EAA looking to meet the ideal suitor. Needless to say, I did not jump off the tram to submit my CV. My wife at home in Toronto would not consent anyway. And she always reminds me that I am well past my ‘best before date’ anyway. Of course, there were hundreds of thousands of old men everywhere who I suspect would have readily applied, but she had a defined prototype in mind that most old dudes would fail to meet even the base performance criteria.
My first thought was “You go for it, girl.” My hopes were soaring for her victory. Perhaps I have I watched too many Hallmark romance movies? Or maybe I just have Disney fairy tales too deeply ingrained in my psyche to know any better? But I wanted her to find true love.
I do not know her outcome, and maybe that is for the best. I can now daydream of all sorts of love-infused narratives that make my old heart beat a wee bit less cynical.
‘Must Have’ Romance Criteria
The following day, I saw a handwritten poster pinned to a billboard. It held the hopes of every teenage boy. He was seeking a girl. Of course, she had to love aviation with a passion and needed to be close by at AirVenture 2023. This poster was hanging in the central notice area.

A young male teen named Oliver posted a handwritten notice seeking the affections of a 16- to 18-year-old girlfriend. His poster was titled, “GIRLFRIEND WANTED.” He defined his criteria as being:
- Must love air shows
- Must love airplanes
- Must love flying
- Must have a family-owned airplane, and he required a current photo of the aircraft
- Female
- 16-18 years old
Oliver provided his Instagram and Snapchat addresses so the prospects could communicate their interests.
Finding romance at AirVenture was Oliver’s clear objective, and he presented some serious criteria that he demanded detailed qualifications to be met. He listed nothing with regards to her height, or general appearance, or cultural and ethnic background — none of that was relevant to his search. But the aviation requirements were a deal breaker if not met.
Aww, the passion and joy of a first love….
Weddings at AirVenture
AirVenture weddings are actually more common than most attendees realize. It is not unusual to see a wedding photographer snapping pictures at the Brown Arch on the Saturday or Sunday before or during the event. Many future couples who initially met at EAA AirVenture celebrate their connections, so naturally they get married there, too. We see wedding events at AirVenture every year.

Once, I even attended an AirVenture wedding at the nearby La Sure’s Hall Banquets and Catering during the midweek of EAA AirVenture 2019. Friends Chris and Sarah were married at the Brown Arch and later held a wonderful reception for friends and family. They met at the event.

Fortunately, for those looking to host a wedding on the EAA grounds, EAA actually built a chapel in the early 1980s. It is a quaint, old-time chapel located next to a quiet pond — the perfect backdrop for beautiful pictures. The Fergus Chapel provides an intimate setting for weddings, baptisms, or memorial services.

The chapel is located between the EAA Nature Center and Pioneer Airport and includes easy, separate access off Waukau Avenue.
Fergus Chapel is typically available and packaged in conjunction with the rental of a reception area on Saturdays and is available on its own other days of the week and weekends for wedding ceremonies.
Another section of AirVenture that is renowned for romance is the EAA Air Academy Lodge. Many kids attend Air Academy every year, and a few of these meetings have produced weddings after their teen years pass. Kids gather at the Air Academy Lodge for education, practical hands-on aviation, and fun times every summer, and then keep in touch for years afterwards. A few of these meetings have been the foundation of new families.
The EAA Air Academy Lodge is a great place for a family reunion, wedding, baby shower, party, meeting, or retreat.
The EAA Aviation Museum has been used to host a wide variety of events too. It is a perfect venue to host a wedding with stunning vintage airplanes as backdrops to your romantic adventures. The TikTok generation will love the setting for its incredible background and unlimited selfie potential as well.
So, if you have a passion for airplanes, and if you seek that special co-pilot who shares your love of aviation, then EAA AirVenture may just be the perfect place to find your prince or princess.