By Ted Luebbers, EAA Chapter 534 P.I.O.
Luke Nunez, EAA 1505649, recently passed his checkride and received his private pilot certificate. Luke has been involved with EAA Chapter 534 for four years. While a member of the aviation youth group, Squadron 534, he progressed steadily from Young Eagle to Ray Aviation scholar and now has his private pilot certificate. Luke was the fifth Ray Scholarship recipient for Chapter 534.

During his time in Squadron 534, Luke has been active in their program about aerodynamics, working with chapter mentors, and repairing and building aircraft projects.

He does not intend to stop learning and is currently working on his instrument flight rating at Sunair in Leesburg, Florida, where he took his flight training. He has also landed a full-time job working at the FBO run by Sunair Aviation.

Luke looks forward to a career as an airline pilot, which will require even more advanced ratings and flying hours before earning the coveted airline transport certificate. This will become his lifelong vocation born of an insatiable interest in wanting to fly. Luke also wants to get experience flying some of the older warbirds he sees flying in and out of the Leesburg International Airport.

Many pilots say getting a private pilot certificate is really a license to continue studies in aeronautics. This is very true if you plan to continue flying as a career, or even if you plan to fly recreationally.
EAA Chapter 534 has recently been approved by the EAA Aviation Foundation to name a new Ray Aviation scholar for 2024. The Ray Aviation Scholarships are a financial grant of $11,000 to help young people pay for their initial flight training at a flight school of their choice. The grant is supported by the Ray Foundation, managed by EAA, and administered through qualified local EAA chapters.
EAA Chapter 534 is proud to play a part helping young people realize their dream to fly.
If you are the parent of a child that looks to the sky every time an airplane flies over and seems to have an above average interest in aviation, you might want to get them hooked up with your local EAA chapter.
For more information about EAA Chapter 534, go to this website:
All photos were taken by Ted Luebbers and permission granted to use any or all.