Take a Book, Leave a Book

Take a Book, Leave a Book

Need a break from all the excitement happening this week and not sure how to relax? Stop by the newly added free little libraries for a good book, provided by EAA Chapter 990, out of Kankakee, Illinois. Alex Koerner, EAA Lifetime 1111968, the treasurer of Chapter 990, thought of the idea because of his mother. She makes the trip to AirVenture with him, and every year she always brings new books to read to enjoy her downtime. Alex soon realized that she wasn’t the only person to do this and decided to propose the idea of including the libraries at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, and everyone in his chapter agreed to make it happen!

“We were trying to figure out what would make Oshkosh more enjoyable for the entire family,” Alex said. The idea of the free little libraries is to provide free reading material to whoever wants it, adults and children. The free little libraries will run the same as the ones you can find throughout many towns, using an honor system, and will be refilled consistently. If you take a book, you are free to leave a book, or return it for someone else to find. If you can’t contribute reading material, don’t worry. “Just open the door and grab a book! We’re going to be checking them probably three, four times a day … to make sure they’re fully stocked.” Alex explained.

Alex and his chapter hope to expand the idea in the future. “We’re starting kind of small because we don’t know what to expect, but we’re hoping maybe by next year to maybe have some bigger libraries and more of them throughout the campground, but kind of see what this year brings,” Alex said.

These free-standing libraires can be found on the grounds at the Chapters Pavilion and by the children’s playground in Camp Scholler. Stop by anytime, for a new adventure awaits in every book!

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Angela, EAA 1590469, is the publications intern at EAA, and enjoys writing articles about different types of people with passionate stories to tell. She's working toward her bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism with a certificate in creative writing at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. You can email Angela at asatterlee@eaa.org.