The First of Many AirVentures

The First of Many AirVentures

By Angela Satterlee

Julio Julia, a Puerto Rican native, flew his 2021 SeaRey Elite (N287PY) across the country from Florida to Oshkosh, which is believed to be the longest seaplane flight to EAA this year. Julio said he loves the views of flying and takes long journeys often, exploring the world, and has done so every summer since purchasing his seaplane, including his first trip to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh!

Julio’s father was a commercial pilot for both helicopters and aircraft, and so Julio grew up loving aviation. “I was born into aviation. That’s all I knew all my life,” he explained. “I always wanted to become a pilot.”

Julio is a retired veteran of 22 years. He was a lieutenant colonel in the Army and served in Desert Storm. In an attempt to follow in his dad’s footsteps, Julio enlisted in the Army in hopes of becoming a pilot. His world was changed when the military offered him a full scholarship for a master’s degree in healthcare administration. He accepted the offer, and his dreams of flying were temporarily halted.

Now Julio owns and operates hospitals in Puerto Rico, so he is constantly flying between there and Florida.

After retiring from the military Julio began flight training. In 2008 he earned his pilot certificate, in 2013 his helicopter rating, and most recently his seaplane rating in 2016.

With his certificate and ratings, Julio has been flying aircraft nonstop, including volunteering in Puerto Rico during hurricanes, bringing medical supplies and providing rescue services. He also takes a ritual two-week vacation to enjoy flying his seaplane.

The SeaRey was custom-made to resemble an Air Force F-35 in honor of Julio’s time in the military, and he keeps it in Orlando, the “American Seaplane City,” which makes for easier travel.

Julio is enjoying his time at AirVenture and plans to spend most of it at the Seaplane Base with his aircraft.

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