Alina Scott, 15, Returns to EAA AirVenture

Alina Scott, 15, Returns to EAA AirVenture

By Abigail Oleniczak

Alina Scott is a 15-year-old who is chasing her dreams with hopes to inspire other youths. After flying into EAA AirVenture Oshkosh solo in 2023, she returned this year to speak about her experiences at two forums.

Alina, of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, grew up surrounded by an aviation family and has attended EAA AirVenture Oshkosh her whole life. She currently has more than 110 hours logged and hopes to one day be a fighter pilot.

Alina said her dad, William, was and still is a huge supporter. He encouraged her to learn to fly powered paragliders before fixed-wing flying.

After months of practice in open fields, running with the paraglider engine strapped onto her back, she accomplished the foundation needed to move ahead, she said.

Alina said this has strengthened her knowledge of flight and the basics.


In March 2023 her dad helped her purchase the Aerolite 103 ultralight, and flight training in the fixed-wing began. She said learning to fly this ultralight at different altitudes helped her become more comfortable with the aircraft.

Two months and roughly 60 takeoffs and landings later, she was ready to conquer various flying skills. With the help of her father, Alina learned and practiced using different navigation systems, communications, and approaches.

Alina’s adventure to AirVenture 2023 took six days and 42 stops at multiple airports along the way. Alina said her dad was her “pit crew” on the ground.

William followed her flight route via roads and was there for her at each airport to refuel her aircraft.

She hopes that her experiences inspire other youths to want to fly. “First you have to actually want to be a pilot,” Alina said. “It’s not just riding a bicycle where you can fall off and get right back up. You have to make decisions and think for yourself while flying.”

The biggest challenge through her flying journey so far was learning to be independent at such a young age. She said, “Transitioning from being dependent on others to dealing with problems on my own … was a challenge.”

Alina is involved in the Civil Air Patrol and plans to join ROTC soon. She also hopes to earn her private pilot certificate, as well as glider, rotorcraft, and multiengine ratings.

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