Sandbar Mitchell B-25 Restorers

Sandbar Mitchell B-25 Restorers

On the latest episode of EAA’s The Green Dot podcast, the crew spoke to Patrick Mihalek and Todd Trainor, who are restoring a B-25 named Sandbar Mitchell as part of their work at the Warbirds of Glory Museum. Patrick, EAA 529904, is the museum director and head of restoration, while Todd, EAA 1379, serves as business manager and youth coordinator. They spoke at length about the importance of youth mentorship, honoring the past, and more.

The Green Dot is a podcast built for aviation lovers, by aviation lovers. The show includes a mix of aviation news, general aviation subjects, history, personal experiences from both hosts and guests, and plenty of other topics every other week. Listeners may land on The Green Dot any time on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, and on EAA’s blog. Thank you for listening, and please give the podcast a rating and review on your platform of choice!


EAA's The Green Dot - An Aviation Podcast
EAA's The Green Dot - An Aviation Podcast
Sandbar Mitchell B-25 Restorers

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