In this episode, we hear from EAA director of publications Jim Busha about the things he’s seen during an epic story-gathering trip to Florida. Jim talks about his visits to Spruce Creek, the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, a celebration of Mustangs at Stallion 51, and shares with us some of the cool stuff he’s seen so far at the SUN ’n FUN International Fly-In & Expo. We even got him to do his world-famous impersonation of one of our hosts.
EAA’s The Green Dot is a podcast for those who fly for the love of it or are simply fascinated by the world of flight. The Green Dot features EAA news, general aviation topics, history, personal experiences from the hosts and a variety of guests, and anything fun, interesting, or cool in and around the world of flight. Keep in touch with EAA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and our blog.