EAA’s The Green Dot — National Air and Space Museum Curator Dr. Jennifer

EAA’s The Green Dot — National Air and Space Museum Curator Dr. Jennifer

This time on The Green Dot, hosts Hal and Tom are joined by Dr. Jennifer Levasseur, museum curator of the space history department at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Dr. Levasseur discusses her unique role as a curator of the space shuttle, her favorite artifact to show on museum tours, and sharing space history with people of all ages and backgrounds.


The Green Dot is a podcast created by aviation enthusiasts for their fellow aviation enthusiasts. The podcast features EAA and aviation news, general aviation topics, history, personal experiences from hosts and guests, and plenty more. Listeners can land on The Green Dot on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and on EAA’s blog no matter the weather. Thank you for listening, and please consider sharing the podcast and leaving a rating and review if you enjoyed this or any episode.

EAA's The Green Dot - An Aviation Podcast
EAA's The Green Dot - An Aviation Podcast
EAA’s The Green Dot — National Air and Space Museum Curator Dr. Jennifer

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